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KinkyPeepz > KinkyPeepz - Help Desk > Knowledgebase

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It's always a good idea to start with the Knowledgebase section first for possible answers and resolutions before submitting a ticket. If you can't find your answer or you still need to contact us, please open a support ticket.

At KINKYPEEPZ.COM, I am focused on providing my members with the best possible experience. Here you will receive high quality, timely member support from me or one of my representatives. Guaranteed!

I have implemented state-of-the-art member support software, and through my Customer Support Center I can provide you with a level of service not often experienced within the industry. However, in order to ensure high level of service, I must ask that you use the support ticket system.

Also, when responding to a support representative, please use the Support Center and do not respond by e-mail. I receive over a few hundred e-mails a day, and I cannot guarantee timely service if you don't use the support ticket system. Using the Support Tickets Center will ensure that you get timely and quality service.

Thank you,

If I close my account, can it be reinstated afterwards?


NO!!! We cannot restore anything after you complete the account termination procedure. This includes any unused subscription time or a paid membership. NOTHING CAN BE REINSTATED!!!

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Article details
Article ID: 26
Category: My Account
Date added: 2012-08-01 22:49:54
Views: 206
Rating (Votes): Article rated 5.0/5.0 (4)

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