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KinkyPeepz > KinkyPeepz - Help Desk > Knowledgebase

Ask a question:

It's always a good idea to start with the Knowledgebase section first for possible answers and resolutions before submitting a ticket. If you can't find your answer or you still need to contact us, please open a support ticket.

At KINKYPEEPZ.COM, I am focused on providing my members with the best possible experience. Here you will receive high quality, timely member support from me or one of my representatives. Guaranteed!

I have implemented state-of-the-art member support software, and through my Customer Support Center I can provide you with a level of service not often experienced within the industry. However, in order to ensure high level of service, I must ask that you use the support ticket system.

Also, when responding to a support representative, please use the Support Center and do not respond by e-mail. I receive over a few hundred e-mails a day, and I cannot guarantee timely service if you don't use the support ticket system. Using the Support Tickets Center will ensure that you get timely and quality service.

Thank you,

Contest Rules


Contest Rules:

1. All entries must be of you, and you own copyrights (upon winning you will be required to prove, in order to receive cash prize)

2. You can enter as often as you like, Albums with more photos do better. (Sorry no solo male photos at this time)

3. The voting is calculated by a number of factors which we will not release, so no one can abuse the system. But we will say if you invite your friend or people to see your photos you definitely increase your chances at winning, other factors that matter, number of phots, quality, members votes, etc.......Rankings change constantly realtime!!!

4. In order for the contest to be a valid contest we need at least min. 12 entries (different members) for that month.

5. If you are entering a album/photo in the contest, when you upload, you must upload to the contest category

6. Current contest will last for one month, winners will be paid via Paypal or by check. , you can not win more than 2 contest in a 5 month period.Check out our Contest Archive for past winners.

7.  If the winner is NOT a paying subscriber the default prize is the 6 month premium membership. If the winner is a paying member with an active subscription - the choice of the prize is up to the member!


Currently contest will last for one month, winners will be paid via Paypal or by check. The key to winning is enter early and tell your friends on this site and others to vote for you.

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Article details
Article ID: 33
Category: Contest
Date added: 2012-08-03 08:40:25
Views: 167
Rating (Votes): Article not rated yet (0)

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