Help Desk
KinkyPeepz > KinkyPeepz - Help Desk > Knowledgebase

Ask a question:

It's always a good idea to start with the Knowledgebase section first for possible answers and resolutions before submitting a ticket. If you can't find your answer or you still need to contact us, please open a support ticket.

At KINKYPEEPZ.COM, I am focused on providing my members with the best possible experience. Here you will receive high quality, timely member support from me or one of my representatives. Guaranteed!

I have implemented state-of-the-art member support software, and through my Customer Support Center I can provide you with a level of service not often experienced within the industry. However, in order to ensure high level of service, I must ask that you use the support ticket system.

Also, when responding to a support representative, please use the Support Center and do not respond by e-mail. I receive over a few hundred e-mails a day, and I cannot guarantee timely service if you don't use the support ticket system. Using the Support Tickets Center will ensure that you get timely and quality service.

Thank you,

What are the terms and conditions for uploading?


By uploading to KinkyPeepz you are agreeing to the following:

  • You are the rightful owner of the upload and all those depicted are of legal age and consenting adults.
  • Any copyright you may own on the uploads is not applicable to KinkyPeepz and we can use the images as we see fit.
  • A license is automatically issued to KinkyPeepz giving us unconditional use of the uploads.
  • You agree to absolve and hold harmless KinkyPeepz and/or its associates from any liability whatsoever resulting from, but not limited to, the distribution and display of said material.
  • If you are not sure you want your uploads available on the internet then DO NOT POST as KinkyPeepz reserves the right to not remove any uploads.
  • We reserve the right to edit/publish any uploads given to KinkyPeepz.
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Article details
Article ID: 76
Category: General
Date added: 2013-01-20 11:58:11
Views: 88
Rating (Votes): Article not rated yet (0)

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