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Is KinkyPeepz a Swingers site?


Who are swingers, what is swinging, and what can you expect from a website like KinkyPeepz?

To answer this question, we have to answer a few other ones.....

In order to understand the answer to the questions: "Who are swingers and how do I become a swinger?" and "What is swinging?" you first have to understand that questions about swinging are really meaningless outside of a fairly modern and singularly Western context. You don't have to go back too far when concepts of free sexual association and unconstrained recreational sex were as true-to-life as to make the question of what is swinging, who are swingers, and what is the swinger lifestyle almost meaningless. Swingers have been around forever, but were never considered a separate group until modern times.   By default everyone has the wiring to be a swinger; the question is the swinger lifestyle right for you?

As an example, can you imagine how the ruling class of the 1st Century Roman Empire would respond to a question about what is a swinger? Remember that this was the era of naked roman baths, private banquets-turned-public orgies, Bacchus celebrations, complete and total acceptance of alternate sexuality to the point that where homosexuality wasn't really seen in a light different from the norm, religious ceremonies using temple prostitutes to channel spiritual energy during sex, widespread expectation that servants (male or female) were to have sex with their patron or guests, and a culture where even a waitress in a pub would normally have sex for a small sum of money--they were all swingers by today's definition of the swinger lifestyle.


It is also equally meaningless if you carry the concepts of swinging to cultures not restricted by Western ideologies. It doesn't make sense to have a unique abstraction defining swinging, and swinger lifestyle when the sexual mores of the culture already consider swinging as normal. Sexual practices in places like pre-colonial Tahiti, Bali, and Hawaii were famous for their openly accepted polyamorousrelationships.  They had no separate distinction for swingers.  Another example would be the Hindu religion recognizing 8-types of marriages derived from sex, including the clandestine union between a woman and her lover. So, many primitive and aboriginal people already have vastly different concepts from the West on what marriage is, when and with whom people can have sex, and what is considered appropriate sexual activity.  None need a definition for swingers or swinging.

So who are swingers and what is swinging? Swingers are made up of those individuals who engage in sexual practices that are more expansive in their expression, and more liberated in their sexual lifestyles than the rest of society. Swinging is a large umbrella of beliefs, activities, orientation, and predilections. Bisexuality, bondage, cuckold, water-sports, gang bangs are just some of the things that could be described within the realms of the swinging sexual lifestyle. But swinging and swingers may or may not include any of those activities.

Although the vanilla world typically sees swingers as just couples who wife-swap, swinging, in real life, can't be so narrowly defined. In fact, it is totally out of place to stereotype swinging as just wife sharing--that's just one possibility out of the many diverse sexual activities that can be accomplished between two people-or more!

Simply put, swinging is much more than just a new partner. It is new partner(s), new sights, new sensations, new combinations, new experiences that you have never even thought of before! And the best part of swinging is that it is all done with the acceptance and open-mindedness of others who view swinger sex the same way you do.

In order to help you discover new swinging experiences and help find other swingers like you, we have built this website where you can enjoy free swinger association. On KinkyPeepz you can expect to find real swingers, and not fakes. The swingers you find on KinkyPeepz are just like you-novice beginners, practiced mavens, and swinging experts. The site is populated by married and unmarried couples, young and mature, newbies and veterans, straight, bisexual and gay, single females and single males, plus thousands who have all kinds of fun fetishes and kinks that might just be your style! No matter what, you'll discover a whole world of swingers and swinging that will help you find your own definition of what it means to be in the swinger lifestyle and what kind of a swinger you are or wish to become.

Broad swinger characteristics: is there a swinger in you?
• A swinger is a free spirit who enjoys the freedom of recreational sex.
• Swingers generally are more conservative in the everyday lives than the general population.
• There are all kinds of swingers from soft swap to full swap.
• Swingers can be committed couples, or singles looking for fun.
• The lifestyle and swinging tend to be "run" by the women with the men just looking please than in the "real" world.

So I guess you could say KinkyPeepz is Swinger site, but actually we are an Adult Sex Community.

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Article details
Article ID: 79
Category: General
Date added: 2013-03-21 08:25:59
Views: 187
Rating (Votes): Article rated 1.0/5.0 (1)

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